Clinic News - Tick Paralysis in Dogs, Hendra Virus in Horses & 3 Day in Cattle

Companion Animals

As we move towards Summer, we are already seeing lots of dogs and cats (and even calves) suffering from tick paralysis. Although paralysis ticks are usually big and grey, they can literally look like any other tick species. Additionally, although the classical symptoms of tick paralysis are wobbliness and vomiting, they can present with any symptom whatsoever, including something as simple as a loss of appetite! So vigilance is key!

When it comes to treatment, time is of the essence. Although we can administer anti-toxin, there is always a lag in response to treatment, and symptoms can rapidly escalate in that time, often leading to intubation or death. To prevent ticks, we recommend always using a good quality tick preventative, clipping your pet before summer, and daily tick searches.


With the increasingly warm weather, cattle producers should be starting to think about vaccinating their cattle for 3 day sickness (BEF). Bovine Ephemeral Fever is a viral disease, transmitted to cattle by flying insects (suspected to be mosquito’s or midges). Both dairy and beef herds can be affected by BEF, with the most significant economic losses seen in certain classes of cattle, such as bulls, pregnant and lactating cattle, or large well-conditioned cattle. For these high value animals, a single death may cost 3.5-3K per beast!

Symptoms can vary, from the more obvious “down cow leading to death” presentation, to more insidious long term effects, such as drops in milk yield losses, and abortions. Although we can provide supportive therapy, treatment is challenging. So the best thing you can do is to vaccinate your cattle, prioritising the classes of cattle mentioned above.


With the recent diagnosis of a more deadly strain of Hendra virus in Newcastle earlier this month, we are becoming increasingly concerned about Hendra Virus in the region, and believe it’s only a matter of time before we see a case. Although it classically presents with respiratory or neurological signs, horses can literally present with any symptom, including lethargy or a fever. And given the fatal health risks to the horse, yourself and anyone else who handles your animal, we strongly recommend your re-consider vaccination. We are currently doing vaccination runs, and continue to offer discounted pricing to get our horses protected. For any questions on all of these topics, don’t hesitate to call the practice on 02 6558 1504.